Horse Sate

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Horse Sate meat is not only tasty, but perhaps also nutritious cure diseases such as asthma, diabetes, increasing vitality and virility of men. Not surprisingly, many people deliberately seek this type of sate. The owner of this business can motet up to millions of rupiah per day.

Horse is a symbol of strength. Do not wonder if the picture is often enshrined as a horse logo tonic. In fact, there are also myths that depict violence Path come from Gajah Made horses eat meat every day.

Currently, there are many who believe this myth. Consequently, many who sell processed food from horse meat? One is sate horses. When to visit Yogyakarta City Gudeg, you can find quite a small shop that sells sate horses.

One of them is a stall in the Sate Gondolayu Horse Road General Sudirman, Yogyakarta. Sate because this is quite popular location in the heart of the city. Sandra Sukarti manage this small shop since 1997. Women's birth in 1965 this right know how to make horse meat a delicious menu to be hard.

Sandra that sells sate horse interested after seeing the benefits. "In addition to the medicine so strong, horse meat is also good for asthma treat disease," he said. Uniquely, most visitors to the stall Sandra is Adam. "They want to back out as strong horse,".

Sandra bring raw materials from horse meat Segoyoso, Plered, Bantul. When quiet, it usually can only sell five kg of horse meat a day. Omzet only around Rp 500,000 per day. But, when the holiday season or wordiness, this stall can spend 30 kg of meat and a horse omzet around Rp 3 million per day. "If we open again quiet until 10 pm. If it's busy again, I already closed the afternoon five minutes," he said.

Sandra process one kilogram of meat into 10 portions horse sate. The price of one share of sate contains five pricker Rp 10,000. Meanwhile, the price of one kg of meat horse Rp 60,000. "Margin is 30 percent," he said.

Sate for the horse meat can not be indiscriminate. Must be in the meat has. The part, according to Sandra, is a part of the overall horseflesh. "If the beef, there are usually at the lulur in," he said.

However, because the supply of horse meat is not much, Sandra often get horse meat that has been aged so that the meat a lot. However, horse meat that has been given ditusuk-pin pelapis papaya leaves, then put into freezer cabinet. "Papaya leaves will make the meat becomes soft without changing the color or smell," he said.

In addition to sate horseflesh, Sandra also serve sate horse cock. However, for one, buyers must order first. One horse can be a dick some skewer. The price is Rp 100,000 per cock. "Just because the price of expensive cock mentahan reached Rp 70,000," he said. The process is also more difficult to cook because it can consume two liters of oil so that the meat is soft.

In Jakarta, one of the seller sate the horse is in demand Salindra Hajj in Duren Sawit, East Jakarta. Public This is 1.5 years and have established many patronage. Every day, Haji Lili, greeting akrabnya, can consume 15 kilograms of meat a horse shipped from Yogyakarta. In a day, omzet reached around Rp 1.5 million.

Haji Lili sate horse stalls open for special treatment. He suggested that visitors who get the disease diabetes or acute cold should eat horse meat at least twice a month.

Haji Lili membanderol horse sate price Rp 2,500 per pin. One portion contains 10 pin. "From this price, I margin is 30 percent," he said.


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